Dear Supporters,
With glorious sunshine and the spring flowers in full bloom, we approach Easter not with our usual expectation of coming out of the winter months into a beautiful Spring of new activity. Instead we stay indoors and hope that our loved ones stay safe in these uncertain times.
We have heard from our contacts at St Theresa’s that they are following the ‘stay home, stay safe’ advice. We trust that the children, their families and the staff remain safe and well during this time..
Normally our team would be approaching this time of year ready to start our fundraising activities and half–marathons to raise much needed funds for the school in Uganda. As with many other charities currently, our focus instead is on hoping for the continued generosity of our supporters through continued online donations where possible.
We would like to thank all our wonderful supporters and followers for their continued generosity, and we wish you a safe and healthy Easter break. Hopefully in due course, we can return to our normal activities and the children of St Theresa’s can resume their education.
With best wishes this Easter,
The GETA team